- I got to lead a homeless couple to Christ on 10-7 who had contacted our church, it was a divine appointment and I rejoice for the privilege of communicating life into the lives of people looking for hope!
- Sarah W. completed TJH on 10-8 with her sponsor, Linda J
- We gave a box of food to a young homeless man in early October and we recently restocked our pantry!
- Rich H. passed his written drivers test on 10-9 and his driving test on 10-16, so he’s a legal driver and his car is legal and insured; we’re very proud of him. Here's Rich pictured with his car
- Kevin F is housing a fellow struggler and giving him some work, i.e. a hand up; what a blessing to see!
- We finished sending out Thank You cards on 10-13-20 (about 70 of them) and all of the donations from the Recovery Walk have come in, so our annual fundraiser is officially completed, thanks again to everyone!
- Brian’s P (or lord Brian the magnificent as he refers to himself) keeps serving the Lord in the A/V booth as well as anything else we ask him to do. I’ve asked Brian to help us sanitize / disinfect touched surfaces after meetings, and he does. I’ve asked him to own the sound booth for meetings, and he does. I’ve asked Brian to lead small groups, and he does. I’ve asked Brian to help clean the church, and he does. Brian and his wife, Angie P, are both in D2 class and helping me to shepherd others, and we really appreciate him!
- I went to court with a lady on 10-21, and with much prayer, the judge dismissed the case!
- We had a great Harvest Party on 10-24 in spite of the cold weather, and many of our Life Issues folks assisted in this community outreach; we had over 20 families come out and enjoy this wholesome event with many free goodies for the kids and great door prizes (Here are some pics)
- We helped house a homeless lady for a couple of nights and then helped her get into Healing House on 10-28, where she is now living and involved in their recovery program, this was a God thing because Healing House turns away nearly 450 people per week, but they had an opening for our lady and Pat L and Ed M took her there and got to led her to Christ before dropping her off, PTL!!!
- On 10-30, my discipler Mark L shared his testimony with us, it was a special night for all, especially me (pictured below)

- We helped a different lady get her car fixed on 11-3, it was a very minor repair but one that could have been much worse; I’m so thankful that our group raised funds to help people who are trying to do right!
R.J. was killed on 10-24, he is a young man that I had prayed for a few times (not as earnestly as Bobi makes it sound), but here is Bobi’s words to me:
"Steve, again I want to thank you for praying for RJ for EIGHT years - even though you had not met him. He was involved with a program at Heart of Life called “Marked Men For Christ”. He was clean for over 6 months but got involved with someone who pulled him into wrong choices again. I wish those men would have stayed closer to him. But he was saved and that is what’s important. I give that credit mostly to your prayers - God calling him as well of course, but you prayed diligently for him. Thank you and God bless you for that. "
I’m concluding this month’s update with one of the biggest success stories that I’ve been a part of, namely Ashley Sehorn! We helped bring Ashley to meetings around 5-7 years ago, but she wasn’t ready to break the cycle yet. Then about 2 years ago, she wrote to us from jail and we helped connect her to Lily’s House, and the rest is history, here is an interview that Lily’s House did with her recently:
This week we are spotlighting Ashley Sehorn, a wonderful lady who we have all come to love. Her life is an awesome example of God doing great works to help her break free from addiction and reconcile relationships with her family.
Number of children and their ages? I have two children, a 1-year old boy and 12 your old daughter.
Sincerely, Steve Fleshman – Life Issues pastor and founder, Proverbs 4:23…
Number of children and their ages? I have two children, a 1-year old boy and 12 your old daughter.
- What circumstances led you to seek help at Lily’s House?
- How has Lily’s House helped you redirect your life?
- How has Lily’s House helped you to be a better mom?
- Can you give us a specific example of a time when the staff or volunteers at Lily’s House made a difference in your recovery?
- What are you doing now?
Sincerely, Steve Fleshman – Life Issues pastor and founder, Proverbs 4:23…
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