Thursday, February 9, 2017

Monthly Update - December 2016

Making a difference update, from the recovery field – December 2016 edition…

Below are some bullet points of the highlights that happened in the Life Issues ministry over the last month:

- A lady that we had been writing to in prison for the last couple of years got released on 12-2-16; which was 3 years and 5 months early! We praise God for his grace in this matter and look forward to seeing how God will use her in the free world!

- Rose’s food drive was successful and a blessing to Life Issues’ Morsels For Many, food pantry! We received many items that we’ve already distributed, yet our shelves are still full (see attached picture), isn’t that just like God!

- Two of our leaders (husband and wife) will be starting through HBF’s discipleship course in January!

- From Sept. 1st – October 15th (at the time of our walk), Commerce Bank had a contest encouraging employees to offer their new credit card, the Charity Charge card. The Belton branch (where our son works) ended up 3rd in all Commerce and 1st in the KC Metro area; the prize was a $100 to the charity of choice, and Life Issues was awarded this gift on 12-8, hallelujah!

- We received Life Issues business cards in December, for 20 of our leaders, sponsors, and supporters!

- One of our leaders, Jim W., was able to retire from his job in early December, so we rejoice with him!

- Another of our leaders, Lauren S., graduated from UCM on 12-10-16, with her bachelors of science in elementary education, we’re so proud of her accomplishment!

- One of our students, Christina, passed her CNA exam on 12-10-16; she is really flourishing and excelling!

- Chris C. is excelling too, he passed his SATOP classes in early December, got his driver’s license, got his car repaired, inspected, and licensed, etc.; we are so proud of and thankful for him!

- A friend of our ministry donated a washer and dryer to one of our students on 12-10-16, PTL!

- We helped a lady get a treadmill on 12-14-16; she has had some health issues and was so thankful for it!

- Life Issues helped HBF to assemble and distribute 31-32 Christmas boxes of food on 12-18-16 (see attached pic)! These boxes were filled by HBF members and contained all the fixins for a Christmas meal for a family of 4-6, and a $25 gift card, it was a blessing for all those giving and receiving!

- We had great year-end testimonies by Jim W. and Sara J. ; and one lady accepted Christ after Sara’s message! 2016 was a great year for us, and we’re poised for God to use us to make a difference in 2017 too!

Our mission trip abroad was a huge success, thank you to all that prayed for us; 1 Samuel 30:21 says that we shall both part alike, “For who will hearken unto you in this matter? but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24

Although there was a language barrier and many cultural differences, our 8-member team represented the Lord and HBF well on foreign soil, I was so proud of each one! We were welcomed and honored everywhere we went, and were humbled by several of the ladies and children who would touch our feet as a sign of servitude. We were given food and snacks in every village, and flower necklaces at times!

Our recovery conference went well, with about 40 pastors and 70 ladies in attendance, so we taught in the daytime and evangelized in the evenings! It was a rigorous schedule, but it was an honor to minister alongside of men and women of God, who are doing a great work in these last days, in difficult conditions and under constant threat of persecution. We witnessed nearly 150 professions of faith during our time away, one was a 100-year-old lady, PTL!

In addition to the recovery conference that we led during the first part of our trip, we led a marriage conference at a different location on the second part of our trip, to about 30 men and 60 ladies. This was a chance to edify believers in their walk with Christ and their relationship with their spouses, in a very poor urban area. We also visited an orphanage and a Bible college at this location, and ministered to 18 young men who were preparing to be pastors!

None of us had ever prayed as often or as fervent as we did on this trip; for ourselves and those requesting prayer from us. We traveled to, laughed with, cried with, sang with, prayed with, and preached and taught people that we may never see again on this side of glory, and I hope that we don’t come back unchanged from our experience.

Sincerely, Steve Fleshman – Life Issues pastor and founder, Proverbs 4:23…

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